Monday, July 26, 2010

dream as you'll live forever


Quebec City was so much fun. Got in on Friday around 4:30, took in a free Cirque du Soleil show under a shady overpass, went to a dead bar, then to Dagobert, ate McDonalds for the first time in a month, missed out on free breakfast the next morning, went thrifting for 3 hours in village des valuers, cabbed to the next one outside of Quebec City, thrifted for another 3 hours, realized on the bus I had a serious suitcase dilemma, made it back to our dorm sans one earring, ate three mcchickens, pre-ed with the whole third floor wing, went back to Dagobert, crashed digital crush's dressing room, fell off the stage, went to mcdonalds in the pouring rain with bags over our heads, missed breakfast again and checked out the mall next to Laval before heading back to Trois-Pistoles. 12 more days until I'm reunited with the loves of my life.

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